Seeking Beauty – Sharing Joy
Photography has been a lifelong passion of mine starting in the days when I borrowed my father’s Brownie Box camera and Kodak was the only film we used. I was fascinated by the freezing of an image for a split second in time, whether I obtained it through film and darkroom processing or by digital captures and Photoshop.

My one constant motivation has been to capture beauty and share the joy I found in creating that image with others. Hence my slogan “Seeking Beauty – Sharing Joy”. I hope you find joy in the photos I am offering to the public through my on-line stores.
I have a B.A. degree in theatre design and production and spent eleven years working backstage in professional theatre. My most cherished memories were my days at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival in Ontario. After moving to British Columbia, I obtain my LL.B. degree and worked as a lawyer and trust officer for 25 years. In searching for my domain name, I wanted one that reflected my varied career.
Portia is a Shakespearean heroine who is also a lawyer, so of course I had to use her. But how could I convey the childlike joy I experienced through photography? One day, while looking at a map of my former home town of Stratford, I found it: a small children’s park a few blocks away from the Festival Theatre named Portia Playground. Eureka!